Meet the Founders…


A group of students headed up by Alberto Coll ’77 and Stuart Knechtle ’78, and assisted by Princeton’s Dean of the Chapel Ernest Gordon, launched the C.S. Lewis Society in 1974. Here you will meet these founders: Dr. Alberto Coll, the Vincent de Paul Professor of Law at DePaul University, and Dr. Stuart Knechtle, former Director of Emory’s Liver Transplant Department and now Director of the Duke Transplant Center.


Dr. Stuart Knechtle

Dr. Knechtle shares brief recollections of the C.S. Lewis Society and field questions related to Lewis and the Christian faith.

Dr. Knechtle discusses the Founding of the C.S. Lewis Society

Dr. Knechtle on a C.S. Lewis student movement at Princeton

Dr. Knechtle talks about God's reality in difficult times

Dr. Knechtle speaks on the history of Christ

Dr. Alberto Coll

Dr. Coll shares his story on how he helped pioneer the C.S. lewis Society on Princeton’s campus.